Friday, 1 April 2011

Dieng Plateau

Dieng is an active volcanic region located sekiitar 3o km from the town of Wonosobo, precisely in the border district of Banjarnegara and Wonosobo regency.

The name “Dieng” comes from Sanskrit language which is “di” meaning a high place and “Hyang” which means place of the gods goddesses. Then Dieng interpreted as a dwelling place of gods and goddesses. There is also the mean of the Java language that is “adi” means beautiful, combined with the word “Aeng” which means strange. Local residents sometimes interpret it as a beautiful place full of spiritual atmosphere.

Some well-known tourist attractions in the area of ​​Dieng namely are:

Lake color that is a creek that according to the local community, there is a story that causes the color of the lake aka lake was colorful. That said, there is a ring formerly owned by a local nobleman who have magic power but fell to the bottom of the lake.While the scientific studies, this lake is a volcanic crater which contains sulfur. As a result, when the lake water exposed to sunlight will be refracted into beautiful colors.

Dieng plateau theater is a place provided by the local government to watch the movie dokemter about events that occurred in this area special.

Sikidang Crater is the most popular crater visited by tourists, Sikidang name is because the gas that comes out is always moving hole, like a deer, then the local community manyebutnya Sikidang crater.Dieng temple complex has beautiful scenery with a neat garden, the area isconsidered sacred by the local community because this area is wherebersemayamarwah the gods and goddesses.

Dieng plateau is like a country above the clouds. Lies at an altitude of 2,000 m above sea level makes the air cool and refreshing, and covered with thick fog.

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